Tuesday, 6 January 2015


Compulsion is not the nature of God, and it’s not in His character to force one into doing His will.
Many people are ignorant of the curse the devil lays on them by most of those chain messages they receive and are asked to resend if not something negative would happen to them and how it happened to somebody.
Some of the messages end with a curse tag like, if you don’t send it to at least ten of your contacts, you are of the devil, you are not a child of God, you will fail, you will remain poor, you will die etc. And unsuspecting people keep resending them.
These messages are on facebook, whatsapp and most social sites. The truth is, these messages are a devilish means of spreading curse and laying heavy burdens on unsuspecting Christians.
These messages have codes that can be decoded only by occultist members. Occults uses those messages to pass across their infos to their members worldwide and by spreading such messages, you ignorantly serve as their courier.
When you receive messages like these, delete and educate the sender on them. Always remember that God wouldn’t threaten or manipulate you into doing something, its the devil posing like an angel of light.
Don’t spread curses, don’t be a courier to occultic men, delete those messages.
God bless you.

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